Thursday, October 27, 2011

VISP X Star Wars by @CaramelBikes

Wuddup Pedallers!!

This is not my new bike. It's my VISP repainted with Star Wars / Jedi flavor. So i can call this a re-issue, i guess =)

Let me take you on a simple step-by-step on what i did with the bike.

This is how it looked like before painting..

Strip the white paint, apply base paint and put it in the oven..

Smoothen the welding and apply black base paint..

Apply "stripings" around necessary area..

This is 85% done..

This is also an opportunity to get new parts =) i'm trying out a new ratio with a Halo 15t cog on the rear..

On the middle, i'm sticking with a 46t. Got myself a crankset from Brain, this time..

So how does it look like when finished? This is how.

These are my inspirations.. Thank you Master Skywalker, May the Force be With You Always.

And this is the guy that can realize it =) Ladies and Gentlemen, please give a good round of applause for Mr. Dyan Sunu Prastowo of @CaramelBikes.

So this is done. The bike looks mean on the streets, has the character, and also has the speed. Jumping to hyperspace has never been easier thanks to the new 46-15 ratio.

That's it from me, then. Until then, trust your senses.. and guide you, the Force will =)

Donny a.k.a Speeder

Monday, October 24, 2011

PIAS - seen it yet?

Wuddup pedallers!

Just wanna share with you what a PIAS bike looks like, if you haven't seen it yet. My 1st impression of this bike (based on the demo bike that Fauzan was using): it is well build, looks solid, and good value =) the welding's good, the geometry's good.

See it for yourself..

The question is: Is it out in the market yet? Where to buy?

Donny a.k.a Speeder

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

New Stuff - 30 Sept 2011

Wuddup pedalers!!

Got some new stuff for the bike last week. Here they are:

Dropbar & DiaCompe brakeset (from @Laspasik)

I got the dropbar for peanuts from @laspasik (lapak sepeda sempit tapi asik), a buy-and-sell event held at Al-Azhar Pusat's parking lot. It's been going on for a few times (once a month intervals) and i thought to myself why didn't i go to this when it was held in the past =)

The brakeset, i got it off a @MorningRideCrew friend. It's a Dia Compe, also got it for cheap. 2nd hand in awesome condition!

New water bottle and water bottle cage (from Ace Hardware)

Got both for less than Rp.100K from Ace Hardware, Grand Indonesia. It's a 600ml plastic bottle from BBB, and the other is a bottle cage that's also from BBB. Found other great stuff there also, looking forward to shopping there soon =)

Donny a.k.a Speeder

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Tour de Indonesia 10-lap Sudirman race, Jakarta

Wuddup pedallers!

Last sunday, the @MorningRideCrew went on its usual Sunday morning ride. This day was special, because Tour de Indonesia 10-lap Sudirman race was being held. It was fun to see a lot of speeding roadbikes competing for pole position, like they do on TV.

The only downside is that there were not enough info about this race. It could have been communicated a lot better, so a lot more people can come-see-support the racers. I myself only found out about this a night earlier through BB group :(

Hopefully it will be better organized during the actual race.

Donny a.k.a Speeder

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Cinelli x RVCA Presents Pressure

Wuddup pedalers!

Wanna share with you a Cinelli and RVCA collaboration event from the past, 2008 to be exact. Looked like a great event, attended by great artists..

Donny a.k.a Speeder

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

MASH Austin with Lance Armstrong (2008)

Wuddup pedalers!

Another classic video from MASH, riding in Austin, TX with legendary Lance Armstrong in 2008. Again sorry if you've seen this a million times before in other video-posting services in the www, but it's a can't-miss-this classic =)

Donny a.k.a Speeder

MASH SF DVD intro (2007)

Wuddup pedalers!

Apologize if you've seen this before a million times, but it's under the "must-share-to-the-world" category =) too bad the DVD isn't available in Indonesia, unless i order from a the www or ask a friend to bring it for me =P

At this moment, the intro will do nicely.

Donny a.k.a Speeder

MACAFRAMA Trailer - oldie but goodie

Not the latest material from the Macaframa team, but excellent as always =) enjoy!

Donny a.k.a Speeder

Monday, September 12, 2011

10 Sept 11 - Return to Alip

Wuddup pedallers,

10 Sept 11, @MorningRideCrew's return to Mie Alip =)

Donny a.k.a Speeder

Thursday, September 8, 2011

New parts 8 Sept 2011: Minoura SBH-80 water bottle cage holder

Wuddup pedallers,

Let's do a little product reviewing, shall we? My friends @irawantw and @CaramelBikes went on a holiday trip to Bali a few days ago and made their way to BMTB, a bikeshop in Bali. Things they were selling, among others, is this: the Minoura SBH-80 water bottle cage holder. Thanks guys for bringing me a set =)

I've been eyeing at this particular product for sometime, as some of the guys i go riding with have been using them on their bikes. Very handy and practical, considering you can get pretty dry when riding under the Jakarta morning sun and the next pitstop is still a long way to go. At Rp.90.000,- a set, definitely worth trying.

So what does a Minoura SBH-80 water bottle cage holder look like? Here's the parts breakdown:

The unopened package

Parts and manual

Inside the bracket packaging

I managed to locate my old water bottle from my Marin mountain bike. Still looks great, so if it ain't broke then let's reuse this =)

Marin Lite water bottle cage

..and what does a Minoura SBH-80 water bottle cage holder look like when applied on my bike? Here's a 3-steps installation guide. If anyone has a better way of installing this, feel free to let me and the other readers know, cheers =)

1. Set up the brackets. Screw the backplate together with the cage holder (screws provided) between the saddle railings like so..

2. Screw the bottle cage together with the cage holder, like so..

And finally 3. Slide in water bottle, like so..

Et voila! Without drilling holes on my frame and risking damages, I now have a water supply everytime i go riding.

Overall: A for practicality, quality, lightweight, secure, easy assembly, and value for money. I would recommend this product for fixed gear riders riding track frames with no holes to mount their water bottle cage. Recommended also for anyone who would like to bring an extra bottle with them when riding.

Donny a.k.a Speeder

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Macaframa New York Trip

Still cool, even in New York =)

Donny a.k.a Speeder

@MorningRideCrew's Night Ride 26 August 11

Wuddup pedallers,

Went on a night ride on 26 August 2011 with the @MorningRideCrew. Been on a few nightrides before, especially during the fasting month of Ramadhan.. but this one was special. This was the last nightride during the fasting month of Ramadhan. After this is back to morning rides again! I miss cycling in the morning. Night riding's fun and a lot cooler on the skin than daytime, but the night air is colder and heavier on the lungs.

Anyway here's a little photo/video slideshow i've made when rollin' with the homies =) enjoy.

Donny a.k.a Speeder

Mini Bikeporn - parts and specs as of 7 Sept 2011

'Nuff said =)

Donny a.k.a Speeder

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

721 new parts 26 Aug 11

Wuddup pedallers,

Just wanna share with you some new parts that i obtained recently.. These are what sticks on my 721 now. Notice any differences from the last post? =)

Michelin Pro Race 700c x 28 slick tyre + custom-painted "Stars" front rim
Stars rim custom-painted at @CaramelBikes by Sunu and team.

Eightinch front hub

MKS "Silvan" track pedals

BLB rear hub

Dodici rear rim + Vittoria Randoneur 700c x 28

I can safely say that it is now 90% done. I'll be needing new 46t crank sets and a new chain, and i'll be 100% done with this. For now, at least =)


Donny a.k.a Speeder

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Leader 721 parts breakdown

Wuddup pedalers!

Forgive me, i'm still mesmerized by the awesomness of the 721. It's so awesome i decided to create this collage of the bike and its parts. Bear with me on this :) enjoy.

See you on my next post. Be safe and keep on pedalling.

Donny a.k.a Speeder

Thursday, August 11, 2011

The Best Car Free Day Ever?

Wuddup pedalers,

Sunday 31 July 2011. Probably means nothing to you or to a million other people. But this was a day to be cherished. Why?

  • I got a fresh ride *victory dance*
  • 95% of my @morningridecrew riding buddies are here
  • We're about to get nice breakfast --> good news for me :)
We started at Grand Lucky SCBD, as we do every Sunday. Quite surprised at the turnout. Everybody was in a good mood, probably because this is the last day before Ramadhan fasting month begins on Monday 1 August 2011.

So we made our way to Bubur Kwang Tung at Pecenongan, Jakarta, which is a totally awesome restaurant that sells porridge. Any kind of halal porridge, that is.

The way back from Kwang Tung was a total blast also. We took the Car Free Day route of Thamrin-Sudirman on our way back to Grand Lucky. Never realized there's so many of us.. but then none of us ever experienced a Car Free Day this empty!

Normally, Car Free Days are packed with cyclist, runners, and people. But this time, it was sooo empty. It made me think, "Could this be The Best Car Free Day Ever?"

That's it from me this time, from all of us at @morningridecrew we wish you a pleasant Ramadhan Fasting Month ahead. Peace.

Donny a.k.a Speeder