Thursday, August 11, 2011


Wuddup Pedalers,

Been riding a fixed gear bike for almost 3 years now.. and after almost 3 years of researching and experimenting to search for what is best for myself, evolution has finally happened.

From unknown roadbike-fixed-gear wannabe to VISP track bike, please welcome the latest evolution in my fixedgear-biking journey: 2011 LEADER 721TR V2.5 a.k.a LORD VADER.

What's the difference between Lord Vader and the VISP?

Even though it's a track bike like the VISP, the difference is definitely there. The VISP is light and finished with light materials (thin paint). This could be both good AND bad.. for example: lighter means faster speed pickup from standstill, but tends to "float" at high speed especially when windy.

The 721 is slightly heavier and bulkier, but gives the same speed pickup as the lighter VISP when starting from standstill. Lord Vader is a lot more stable at high speed, but i tend to get tired after some time at high speed when trying to catch up with the Cinelli Mash. Note to self: It might be wise to upgrade my crank to 48t so i can get better pulling power for myself at high speed.

Shape wise.. there's only so much the designers can do with a track bike of this price range, i guess. Like iPad and Galaxy Tab, the designers at Samsung couldn't think of any better design to apply on a tablet pc. Hence the likeness (and the lawsuit that soon followed =P). Ditto with Leader and VISP, the design similarities between 721 and TRX790 are definitely there.

Value wise, definitely worth every penny saved and spent. Nuff said!

If you're interested in getting a 721 also, go to for clearer looks of the frame. You'll know that it's totally different than VISP & PCO.

If you're interested in seeing more pics of mine, go to Anyways, here's some of 'em:

Overall: definitely recommended. Lord Vader may not be the best Leader 721 yet out there, but riding it made me feel like a million bucks simply from the riding and handling standpoint. I will definitely get better parts to match it.

That's it from me this time. I'd love to hear comments from other 721 owners out there, so drop me a line and thanks everybody for reading.

Donny a.k.a Speeder

1 comment:

  1. Hello fellow 721 2011(lord vader)owner!

    ur bike's looks sick! u like to ride with caramel cycles? nice!

    hehe indo aja ya bro, sudah sekian lama ane nyari review 721... emg nihhh dia stabil bro 721, cuman ride nya(mungkin karena aluminum) dia "harsh"bgt, dibandingin sama frame chromoly/thicker alloy tubesets... personally ane lebih suka 721 dibanding 725, cuz seat tube nya 721 itu lebih simple dan bentuk 721 itu "no-nonsense" bgt..
